Monday, September 6, 2010

summer 2010!!!

Well i guess since i have not updated this in almost a year, here goes.. surprisingly nothing much has happened.. We bought a house last september! i love it so much! we have not gone anywhere exciting.. i work entirely too much to do anything fun.. and my work is extremely anal about giving anyone time off... its sad that im actually afraid to ask for a day off... it sucks. anyways... my birthday was august 19th so i took that weekend off. it was the first weekend i have had off this entire year!!!! we went to park city to shop and then we went to lava hot springs for the weekend. it was a lot of fun! i got a lot of cute clothes from park city! i love shopping! Alec is in boston for the week for work.. so this morning we woke up early and went to breakfast before i took him to the airport. im sad. :( its labor day today and i have done absolutely nothing besides clean my house, do laundry, and talk to my cat. i tried to hang some cute shelves in my house today but i ended up just making some huge holes in the wall... it was so frustrating... hopefully when alec gets home he can help me cause i clearly dont know what im doing!!!